What are these people talking about? And by these people, I mean me. I am talking about Real Talk. You are probably wondering "what the fuck is Real Talk?". Just 10 minutes ago, I was in the same shoes as you. Like an infant, except for the fact that I don't shit myself and drool , I was completely oblivious and unknowing towards "Real Talk".. Today, I hope to show you the ways of the world and help you become more educated.
Real Talk.

I went on a journey. A journey to discover myself and my identity. And by that, I mean I wanted to know what the fuck real talk meant. I have been hearing it from rappers like Young Jeezy & Lil Wayne, not from 1st-hand interaction because we aren't on a 1st name basis....yet. But I heard it through the radio, and on TVA . scared white boy in this cold world, I did the only thing I could do. I went to the internet.
With the help of UrbanDictionary.Com I setout to find the meaning of this word.
Word : Real Talk
Origin: Thug
Pronounced: Real Talk (Can you not read?)
Defenition: truth, factual information, also can be used to back up a sentence
White Guy: Whats goin on my african-american friend (places hand on black guy's shoulder) Black Guy: you dont know me sucka, if you put your hands on my shoulder one more time, I will beat yo'wonderbread ass..dat's real talk homie.

1 comment:
keegan, hahaha.
you have skills.
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